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Wednesday, June 10, 2009


So here's what's up. On Friday the doctor had let me off of bed rest and said I could go back to work. I went back to work and only worked two hours before contractions started so I called the doc and she put me back on bed rest. I then had painful contractions on Monday morning at 5am. I called the doc to schedule an appointment to find out what was going on. I went to my doctor at 1:45 Monday and they were telling me that the pains and stuff I felt when I was standing and moving at work were normal. They also told me I could continue working up until my delivery date. Then she said she would check my cervix right quick and she did. Previous hospital stay I was dialated 1cm this time I was dialated 1 to 2 and 80%. So they sent me to the hospital right away. I was having contractions and they couldn't get them to stop with fluids like last time, so they had to give me a shot of Tributelene (not sure how to spell it) and then they admitted me for a boring overnight stay. The contractions eventually stopped but since I have been hospitalized twice in the last 10 days they decided that the baby would probably come earlier than his due date (August 21st) so they gave me a shot of steriods and another shot of steroids this morning to help his lungs develop and mature quicker. They said that they would expect him to come when I'm at 32 or 33 weeks which is really early. I'm at 29 weeks now. I have been put back on bed rest for the next two weeks and I go tomorrow to get another fetal fibronectin test done to see if I'm at risk of having him within the next two weeks. On top of all of this they were very kind to share with me that I also have a yeast infection. Yipee! I will you guys this, the doctors seem to think I'm doing something wrong. I have quit drinking soft drinks and drink nothing but water like they asked me to and everytime I go to the hospital for preterm labor they are like see what fluids do you need to drink a lot of water. Well I've been doing everything perfectly and this baby just wants to come out. I get so frustrated when I have to go to the hospital and the doctor looks at me all accusingly like I have done something wrong. Then they grill me about if I'm having sex or not. I haven't been able to have sex but for 2 months out of this pregnancy and two of those weeks I had a yeast infection and the other two my husband was in Chicago on business. There has been absolutely no sex! I just don't like feeling like I am doing something wrong when I'm trying to do everything right. It's a little frustrating. In the beginning of the pregnancy I had a lot of bleeding so there was no sex the whole first trimester. Oh yeah, so today I go to get my other shot and they have to put me on a monitor. Mind you, I haven't had not one contraction since I've been let out of the hospital and been at home. They hook me up to the monitor and I have a contraction.......a really strong one, within the first 15 minutes. Aaaarggghh! So frustrating. I think Dalton likes to play games with the doctors or maybe he's just going to be a little redheaded stubborn baby like I was when I was Well I'm going to go for now. I think I have said waaaaaaayyyy toooo much!


  1. How scary! I will pray that your little baby will stay in the oven for a long time! My first baby was born 2 weeks after his due date! and even then it was by c-section. He was stubborn too but instead of wanting to come out he was quite content to stay where he was. He's still stubborn by the way...

  2. Don't let those doctors make you feel like you're doing something wrong, you're doing a GREAT job! Way better then most people in your situation I'm sure.


Have you been put on bedrest during your pregnancy?